Welcome to Divine Legacy Financial Services

At Divine Legacy, we are dedicated to empowering our clients with comprehensive financial planning services, life and health insurances. Our mission is to help you secure your financial future, ensuring peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Products and Services

Wealth Management

Optimize your assets with our personalized wealth management strategy to ensure sustainable growth. Divine Legacy involves a top-tier strategy that comprehensively looks at your financial picture to optimize asset allocation, minimize taxes, and ensure your investments are aligned with your long-term goals. Our approach is tailored specifically to your needs and aspirations, ensuring that your wealth grows sustainably over time.


  • Tailored financial strategies

  • Sustainable asset growth

  • Expert tax optimization


Retirement Planning

Achieve your dream retirement with a customized, comprehensive plan that ensures comfort and security.With Divine Legacy provides you with a detailed roadmap to achieve your ideal retirement lifestyle. We factor in your current financial situation, desired retirement age, and lifestyle goals to create a personalized plan. This ensures that when the time comes, you can retire comfortably and securely, with the resources you need.


  • Personalized retirement roadmap

  • Lifestyle-focused planning

  • Secure financial future


Estate Planning

Protect your legacy and ensure your loved ones are cared for with our thorough estate planning services.Through Divine Legacy ensure that your assets are protected and passed on according to your wishes. Our comprehensive approach includes will planning, trusts, and healthcare directives, making sure that your legacy is preserved and your loved ones are taken care of with minimal tax liabilities.



  • Comprehensive asset protection

  • Minimized tax liabilities

  • Customized wills and trusts



Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Divine Legacy Financial Services different from other financial planners?

What sets us apart is our commitment to personalized financial planning tailored to each client's unique situation, goals, and aspirations. Our holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your financial life are considered.Covering ACA, Medicare, Disability and Accident

How do I start my financial planning with Divine Legacy Financial Services?

Starting your financial journey with us is simple. Contact us through our website or call us directly to schedule your initial consultation. During this meeting, we’ll discuss your financial goals and how we can help you achieve them.

Can Divine Legacy Financial Services help with both retirement and estate planning?

Our expertise encompasses both retirement and estate planning, allowing us to provide comprehensive services that ensure your financial security and legacy preservation.

“Dorian's Legacy transformed our approach to financial planning. With their personalized service, we feel more confident about our financial future than ever before.”

Alex Johnson

Contact Us

Ready to secure your financial future? Contact us today.

Phone: 972-635-0490


Dorian's Legacy
Arlington, Texas, United States